Safety and health risks for garbage collectors


The Health and Safety Risks Faced by Garbage Collectors

People in Tennessee who work in the garbage collection industry face many health and safety hazards while on the job. By understanding the risks, workers may be better able to recognize hazardous situations and avoid getting hurt or becoming ill in accidents because of them.

What Are the Most Common Types of Injuries Sustained by Garbage Collectors?

One of the most common types of injuries involve repetitive lifting and carrying of heavy objects.

These can lead to:

  • Back injuries
  • Herniations
  • And other damage over time

Using proper lifting techniques can help to minimize the damage. Slipping and falling is another significant risk when workers are working on ice or in rain or snow. Wearing boots with good traction is important.

Materials contained inside of the garbage may pose dangers. These can include improperly disposed chemicals and sharp objects, such as glass. They may penetrate the garbage bags and cut the worker while they are carrying the bags.

Exposure to hazardous materials and leave them with respiratory diseases and chemical burns. To avoid these types of dangers it is important to wear:

  • Long pants
  • Long sleeves
  • Protective gloves
  • And heavy duty boots no matter the weather

Other dangers include pests in the garbage, such as rats or mice, that can bite the worker and make them ill. Finally, garbage workers face dangers from other vehicles on the road.

Workers' Compensation for Garbage Collectors

A garbage worker who suffers a workplace injury or illness may be eligible to file a claim for benefits with their employer’s workers’ compensation insurance coverage. Injured workers may benefit by getting help from a workers’ compensation attorney. Legal counsel may be better able to help their clients collect the documentation they will need for their claim.

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