There’s a higher chance for electric shock injuries in the spring


Many workers that operate in the construction and utility industries start getting more project once the spring arrives. Tennessee may not get as much snow as some other states, but local employees that primarily operate outside still get a lot of work in as the temperatures start rising and the ice melts off the streets.

However, spring comes with several hazards that could endanger these workers’ lives if precautions aren’t taken. Recently, a utility worker in Tennessee barely survived a brutal electric shock while replacing lines in a bucket truck. Electricity is one of the more common fatality causes for these types of industries, but spring comes with many seasonal conditions that make them more likely around this time of year.

Wet weather

Even though there is no more snow coming from the sky, spring has the highest average amount of precipitation in Tennessee. Combining the amount of rain we get between March to May with the melting snow of the winter months means that there is a higher chance of flooding now than any other time of the year.

Rain doesn’t completely stop utility and construction workers from operating, but it should encourage them to take enough precautions when working with power lines and electrical equipment. Remember your training you’ve had for working under these conditions and avoid rushing your job. Just one slip-up could send shocks and burns throughout your entire body.

Weakened structures

Drivers receive frequent warnings about potholes that appear during the spring thanks to the snow expanding and contracting in the ground. It’s why there is so much construction during the late spring and early summer months.

This serves as a reminder that not every power line or structure you are working with is at its peak condition. The intense snowstorms and wind from the winter can leave many areas in pretty rough shape. Spring won’t give these areas a break either. There is still a lot of high winds to deal with as well as thunderstorms that could knock these structures down. Make sure you recognize when the weather is too dangerous to work in and know how to deal with a potentially disastrous aftermath.

Electric injuries can range widely in these industries from a minor sting to a life-threatening shock. Construction and utility workers in Tennessee as well as their family members should review what legal options they have to acquire workers’ compensation in case these unfortunate events do unfold on the job.
