Requirements for truck drivers aim to prevent truck accidents


It is an unfortunate reality that, despite many advances in technology and nationwide efforts to raise awareness, each year hundreds of thousands of Americans die in motor vehicle accidents. The types of accidents that can be the deadliest are those that involve large trucks, such as semi-trucks. One effort to prevent these types of accidents is the imposition of regulations and requirements that truck drivers in Tennessee and nationwide are supposed to comply with.

For starters, the drivers of these large vehicles are required to obtain a specialized driver’s license, commonly known as a “CDL,” or commercial driver’s license. Truck drivers go through special training in order to qualify for these types of driver’s licenses.

Next, truck drivers must comply with certain regulatory requirements related to the amount of rest they are supposed to get. This is an effort to attempt to ensure that truck drivers are not overly tired when they are operating vehicles that weigh thousands of pounds more than the average passenger vehicle which, consequently, is one of the aspects of truck accidents that causes such massive damage.

Another requirement for truck drivers that is meant to prevent accidents is certain weight limits for the load the truck is transporting. When a truck is overloaded, serious problems can arise. For example, the truck may tip over going into a turn, or may be harder to stop than usual.

Truck drivers who do not comply with the requisite regulatory requirements are a danger on the roads in Tennessee and throughout the country. Anyone injured in a truck accident may have options under personal injury law.
