Can technology ensure a death-proof car?


Tennessee motorists might wonder about what car makers are doing to continue to ensure driver and passenger safety. While many manufacturers are working towards self-driving cars, Volvo is developing vehicles that it is calling death-proof and which it hopes to introduce by 2020.

The way Volvo plans to achieve this is by integrating and developing technology that will make the whole driving experience safer. Some of the technology is already in use in different models, but Volvo is planning on using all of the technology together to ensure that when people get into one of its vehicles, they can hopefully avoid a car collision that causes a serious or fatal injury.

The technology Volvo is planning on using includes improvements to air bags and restraints. It is also improving on its existing adaptive cruise control, which sets a limit on the speed for a vehicle, while at the same time using radars to plan how much distance to leave between vehicles. In certain cases, it can even brake the vehicle if necessary. Full collision avoidance is also possible. This technology alerts the driver when a crash is likely and if the driver fails to take action, the car begins to brake automatically to avoid or lessen the impact. Cameras will be used to detect pedestrians or large objects near the car, and they will also detect road signs and signal drivers of other road hazards.

While the development and implementation of automotive safety technology has increased greatly over the past several years, it is still far too common for motorists to get behind the wheel after they have had too much to drink or to be distracted by a cellphone. A person who is injured in a resulting accident caused by such negligent behavior may want to have the assistance of an attorney in seeking compensation from the at-fault driver for medical expenses and other losses.
