Technology could prevent truck accidents


Tennessee motorists may find it interesting to learn about a new technology that would allow drivers to “see through” large trucks ahead of them on the roadway and know when it is safe to pass them. The concept was developed by the South Korean electronics conglomerate Samsung.

The Samsung safety truck uses a wireless camera mounted on the front of the truck to stream video to four large screens placed on the back. That means anyone driving behind the truck can essentially see what the truck driver is seeing and choose a safe and appropriate time to pass the vehicle.

Samsung tested the safety truck in Argentina, where two-lane highways and high traffic volumes are an issue. According to the company, the technology works and the concept “can definitely save the lives of many people.” Samsung is working with the Argentinian government to perform more testing with the hopes of putting the technology to widespread use. For now, there are no plans to export the safety truck concept to North America.

Those who have been injured in a truck collision caused by another driver may wish to consult with an attorney. Depending on the details of the case, it may be advisable to file a personal injury lawsuit against the at-fault truck driver and the trucking company itself. By using police reports, crash investigation results and witness testimony, a lawyer could demonstrate that the truck driver was distracted or sleep-deprived due to unsafe deadlines imposed by the employer. If the case is successful, the victim could be awarded compensation for medical expenses lost wages, pain and suffering, property loss and other damages.
