Law enforcement operation targets distracted drivers


Our readers in Tennessee who are familiar with previous posts here know that the danger of distracted driving is widespread throughout the state, and throughout the rest of the country as well. These days, most people seem to willingly put their own lives and the lives of others in danger simply so that they can send or read a text or email, or even look at the internet while driving. We have all seen these drivers on the roads by now, and we shake our heads at the reckless behavior.

However, some drivers may not realize that this type of distracted driving behavior can also lead to police action. A recent news article detailed a law enforcement operation in Tennessee that was aimed at pulling over distracted drivers for their reckless behavior. The event was called “Operation Incognito” and it was led by the Tennessee Highway Patrol.

According to the reports, this is how the operation worked: observers boarded a bus, which was driven through traffic so that the spotters onboard could direct law enforcement officials to specific vehicles when the spotters observed drivers engaging in distracted driving behavior. Mostly, the distracted driving observed was the use of smartphones, but there were other violations as well, such as drivers putting on make-up, reading newspapers and even one report of a driver using a tablet.

The distracted drivers who were pulled over in this recent law enforcement operation received citations. Hopefully this will make many people think twice about engaging in distracted driving, but we all know that car accidents will likely continue to occur because of this negligent and reckless behavior. Anyone who is injured in such a car accident may have legal options to explore.