Hoverboards may harm Tennessee residents


The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission announced on Feb. 18 that hoverboards that don’t meet safety standards could be seized or recalled. The first safety standards for the products were created by UL and released on Feb. 2. One of the main concerns is that hoverboards have a propensity to burst into flames, which creates an unacceptable safety hazard for users.

Currently, the product has been suspected of causing 52 fires that have destroyed two homes and cost $2 million in property damage. Hoverboards were a popular gift over the Christmas season before the safety issues was known or fully understood. It is believed that the lithium-ion batteries used to provide power to the device is what is causing the risk of fire.

The CPSC has notified manufacturers, importers and retailers of these products that the hoverboards may be detained or seized at customs. In addition, the agency said that those that are being sold domestically may be recalled.

A person who has been harmed by a dangerous product may want to pursue legal action against its manufacturer or distributor in the form of a products liability lawsuit. An attorney who has experience with these types of matters may be able to assist an injured victim in the attempt to win compensation for medical bills and other long-term care costs in addition to money for lost wages and property damage. If an individual dies while using a defective product, the surviving family members may want to consider the filing of a wrongful death lawsuit against such defendants.
